Thanks for the responses. I'm fairly new to this and haven't seen very many posts concerning filtered sea water. I guess it's because there aren't many places that have it available. Took some tests this morning:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0.5 ppm
Alkalinity: 240 ppm
pH: 8.0
Ca: 440 mb/L
All estimates. The color thing really gets me. I think i'm color blind!
Anyway, that's all the tests I have. Should I be doing more?
For LazyPinoy. Great idea on the UV. I'm pinoy too. Parents from San Marcelino, Zambales.
For NEreef: The guy who showed me the place in La Jolla said the idea for putting it in the dark for a while was to kill any organisms, good or bad, that may have made it through the filtration. Best to be on the safe side. Does that make sense or should I let the organisms live?
For all, my friend told me that Scripps gives the water for free for aquarium enthusiasts to benefit the fish. Something that LFS folks don't like to hear. Anyone living on the coasts may want to check local universities or oceanographic insitutes. Montery, CA comes to mind. Anyway, anymore advice is greatly appreciated. Don't really trust what the LFS employees tell me.
For Ophiura, I have a sea lion filter on order now. It's a killer whale! LOL.
And you're right about finding something free in La Jolla! Everytime I go to fill up, I look over my shoulder expecting to get arrested. Just doesn't seem right driving away with all that water.
Thanks, all!