Is hair algae considered microalgae?


I got a lawnmower blenny this past weekend. I've seen him pick at algae, no prepare food yet. I'm praying that hair algae is microalgae. Will he be more outgoing once he acclimates?


Staff member
Yes, it is microalgae and the blenny will eat it. But, you should give him real food too, as microalgae is not a sufficient diet.

big dave

Lawnmowers and their close relatives the bicolor blenny are both great at eating hair algae.(and caulerpa trust me on that!) I had a bicolor once and it really was one of my fav. fish. Unfortunately, my heater broke and electrcuted all the fish in that tank but, while he lasted he was awesome. A great algae eater. Mine also ate brine shrimp and formule 1+2. Good luck!


Good it hasn't even been a week and I have already grown attached to him. I'm fixing to get a new 29 or 55 and want to add another kind of blenny to it in time. They are so cool.