Is hair algae normal during cycle


I started a 29 gal tank with 30 lbs LS 30 lbs LR about 3 weeks ago. I only use RO water, and my phosphates are 0 , ammonia 0 also. I haven't tested for nitrates yet.
I now have a lot of little tufts of green hair algae on the back of the tank, and starting on the rocks. I know that certain types of algae blooms are normal during cycling, but is hair algae one of them?
I don't have any fish yet, but there are a ton of little critters that came with the LR. Some crabs, thousands of pods, etc.
I am hoping the Caulerpa in the ecosystem will use up the nutrients, but the hair algae seems to be winning.
CPR2R bakpak skimmer
ecosystem 40 filter with Caulerpa
130 watts PC lighting
2 maxijet powerheads