Is is possible to add another fish?


I have a 24 gallon FOWLR that has been set up for a month. I added a clownfish 4 days after setup, and I added a one inch sixline wrasse+ a cleaner shrimp a week ago. My LFS is having a huge sale- is it okay to add another fish?


Active Member
Wait about three weeks so make sure nothing unexpected happens. Remember your creating an environment for the life of the animals you put in it so take it at a safe pace. (Sheesh I'm preacing) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
You can add some shrimp or crabs. They are really easy to take care of. They are also VERY hardy. If you have had a clown in the tank for a month then they will do just fine.