I had exactly that , the marron was first he is about4-5 yrs old and then we had someone give us a mated pair of perc.This was in a 210 so I thought it might be alright!Wrong!!!The mated pair were OK for a wile but the marron never let them come out of their side of the tank but never picked on them really until by accident , one jumped into the over flow and into the closed loop an d got stuck in the pump(thats a real nemo if ever I heard one)well now that the other perc was alone, I guess the tormenting begun until I came home one day to find ,the other perc on the bottom laying there breathing VERY hard and torn up!I got him out, nursed him back to health and gave him to a SW friend.I would never put him back in my tank to be tortured more. Altough I would love more clowns. I dont think my marron would.
so , if anything - trade to pr back to the lfs for the marroon ?
wonder how the kids will take it ?, probably not good
otherwise forget the maroon clown idea , huh ?
Maroon clowns are very aggressive towards other clowns. Towards other fish I believe they are not as aggressive. However, the two clowns you have now would probably team up and take the maroon down. I wouldn't recommend anyone try 3 clown fish in one tank for any extended amount of time.
Originally Posted by Crox
What if I put a pair of clarkii or black perculas in a tank with 2 Ocellaris? Would that be ok?
Which ever pair reached maturity first would kill off the two in most cases. Mature female clowns are what you have to worry about. They are going to drive any other clown females out of thier territory at all costs. If they consider your whole tank their territory as most do then the fleeing female has no escape and is doomed.