Is it a good deal?


Active Member
So I don't have a picture but I can describe this well....
I went into the LFS yesterday and saw they had a rock in the 79.99 tank with 5 "mushrooms" on it...Well, they are not mushrooms they are Fungia plate coral. They are all a little bigger than a quarter and very nice looking. Is that a good deal for that considering they are naturally mounted on LR? Just curious I wanted it but I don't like to buy from my LFS as they raise the prices to a ridiculous amount usually.


Price is one of those things that only yu can decide wither or not something is worth . To some a certain coral is worth nothing to others the same coral are priceless. If you like the rock then it is worth the asking price.


Active Member
That sounds like a pretty decent price. I recently got a green fungia plate from my LFS for a trade for a bunch of frags of Kenya Tree. They gave it to me for $60 in credit from my frags but I think that was because I know the guys there pretty well and they always give me deals. The skeleton of mine is about 3.5 inches by 5 inches and when inflated fully it is about 5 inches by 7-8 inches.
Did it look anything like mine?


Active Member
If they are indeed plate corals then yes IMO its a really good price. My Orange plate cost me $60 when I got it.


Active Member
It's a good deal because they are on a dead plate skeleton, once they grow up and fall off more will grow on it, it's a never ending plate colony. So as long as you don't mind waiting it out you can make your money back on it selling the babies. I tried to talk my b/f into letting me get one but he says we already have enough plates.


Active Member
Hmmmm, well alright then I guess it is a good deal. Now just to convince the wife....... Further updates coming.


Active Member
So I talked to the wife and we agreed it was a smart investment. There are over 27 babies already on the disk. So, when they are big enough to frag it should pay for itself.



Active Member
Originally Posted by zanclus
Price is one of those things that only yu can decide wither or not something is worth . To some a certain coral is worth nothing to others the same coral are priceless. If you like the rock then it is worth the asking price.
Same opinion here. I personally don't see what the big deal with PPE is and though I love zoanthids, wouldn't ever pay the going rate for any. Don't really think I would pay half the going rate.
But there are some corals I would sell my mother for whereas I know others wouldn't even look at in a LRS. Take ricordias for instance. One of the LRS has been geting some nice colors in and I am pretty much who gets first, second, third and last pic. Very few even look at them I notice when I'm hanging out there.


Active Member
Yah know I am not really sure why they spread so readily on the disc, but they do! Now if only I can figure out how to safely frag them!!!


Active Member
they will fall off on their own when they are ready. thats a great deal IMO because you just bought a never ending supply of them.