Is it a Royal/Tuxedo Urchin???

I bought a small, 1.5 inch, urchin tonight that my LFS guy said was a globe urchin. Doesn't have the nice blue strips, but does have short purple "spikes" that have all kind of shells and stuff clinging to it.
Any other urchins you can think of that don't have the blue strips, but have stuff stick to them?


Active Member
I had pincushion urchins that were pink/purple in color in the spikes. Not only did I find shells stuck to it, but anything not secured. If it is this one, its a coralline eating beast, just my experience. The one you have does not seem to be a tuxedo urchin. I will try to post pics of each......give me a few minutes


Active Member
I did a search and didn't get too far, but Old Yeller Tang has a tuxedo and pics. I have no pics of my pincushion. Sorry.
it's a Pincushion. It really messed up my tank while I was gone this weekend. Pulled over rocks. Stuck a Feather Duster to it's back. And I think he ate all my macro algaes.
He's going back to the LFS!!!