
Ok, so I am posting some pics of my anemone and some WEIRD stuff thats going on.
When I got home it looked like the mouth was melting. What I have read is that it might be dying. There were long stringy strands coming out of its mouth. Well, I also read that it might be just pooping.
I have since taken it out of the tank and QT'd. It seems to look better BUT I would like some feedback from the all you experts.
Thanks for all your help in advance and please feel free to chime in.
I love this place !!!



Active Member
IMO dying. Your anemone has been dyed, that is an extremely yellow anemone, very unatural. I bought the exact same looking anemone and it died within 48 hours. I believe it is expelling its insides and will start to fall apart within the next day or so.


I have the anemone in a bowl, (duh) in new salt water from my RO/DI. Same salinity and I have it floating on the top of the tank in hopes to keep good temp.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to QT it and how long should I let it hang out in bowl for ?? What will the progression look like IF IT gets worse ??
The update is that lights are on, about 7 inches from the bowl as the bowl is floating on top of the water. It seems that the tentacles have gotten smaller then the pics I have posted originally.
I will post more pics in a few hours.
Thank all of you again.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
IMO dying. Your anemone has been dyed, that is an extremely yellow anemone, very unatural. I bought the exact same looking anemone and it died within 48 hours. I believe it is expelling its insides and will start to fall apart within the next day or so.
I have had it for about a month. I know that they are fickle. I am keeping my fingers crossed


Active Member
scoop out some tank water and put it in that, how is shocking it with new water supposed to help it?


Personally I would have left it in the tank where it would have had a better chance of survival. If it dies in the tank all you have to do is take it out. It's not gonna kill everything instantly. Besides, you can tell when it's dying because it all looks melted.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
scoop out some tank water and put it in that, how is shocking it with new water supposed to help it?
Got it........done. Thank you. As I said, I was taking the suggestion from the LFS.


Well, It seems like there is no more melting. The anemone seems to be doing relatively ok BUT there is a light gray, colored gob of something poking out of the mouth, smaller than the 1st pics. As soon as my batteries charge I will take a pic and post.
If anyone can chime in, please feel free to do so.


Ok, it looks like whatever was gray and literally poopy looking has SLIGHTLY moved away from his mouth.
His mouth itself looks good, nothing like its insides coming out. Much better than earlier today.
BUT....if anyone wants to look at pics and give feedback, it would be appreciated.



Active Member
looks like guts to me. but thats just IMO. Keep an eye on it and I would leave it in the tank. If you want to keep it somewhat isolated.. put it in one of those breeder nets you hang over the top. That way he can still be in the tank, but easier to observe.
Time will tell.


If I may interupt.
What you are seeing is part of the actinopharynx of the anemone as well as some of the mesenterial filaments. Why is it doing this?...I don't know, but the onset of death is very possible.
Could be it had already excreted some waist or worse its xooxanthellae.
However one look scares me and I have to agree that LexLuethar is correct. It's dyed and very unnatural looking.
Moving it from one tank to another or QT is also just going to cause it more stress.
About all you can do is leave it be, check to see if it will accept any food, and that the tentacles are still sticky.


Originally Posted by Thomas712
If I may interupt.
What you are seeing is part of the actinopharynx of the anemone as well as some of the mesenterial filaments. Why is it doing this?...I don't know, but the onset of death is very possible.
Could be it had already excreted some waist or worse its xooxanthellae.
However one look scares me and I have to agree that LexLuethar is correct. It's dyed and very unnatural looking.
Moving it from one tank to another or QT is also just going to cause it more stress.
About all you can do is leave it be, check to see if it will accept any food, and that the tentacles are still sticky.
Thomas.......PLEASE interrupt ANYTIME. LOL, I thought about today that and I was actually hoping that you would.


Well, I figured possibly I was already in deep enough and I might as well proceed as best as planed.
I kept it in QT for about 48 hrs, kept it near light and kept a VERY close eye on it as well.
I have heard a lot of great information. Needless to say, the last thing I wanted to see is it melting and its guts coming out.
Well, I dripped the QT very slowly, took my time, and now he is back in the tank. I tried feeding him but he did not take to it but his mouth was open. Sooooooo, I put the shrimp in his mouth for him. His foot has expanded very big and he is secure to a rock again........He seems to be doing ok.
Here is the lasted posted pic.
Thomas the Great and everyone else, please chime in and give me your thoughts.


looks alot better to me,but hard to tell with these animals. maybe once it gets totally use to your tank,it will rid the dye inside it and come back to normal? good luck! i bought a yellow gonipora years ago,it was the same color as your nem. i was told it was dyed and died a few weeks later.


Originally Posted by blownz281
looks alot better to me,but hard to tell with these animals. maybe once it gets totally use to your tank,it will rid the dye inside it and come back to normal? good luck! i bought a yellow gonipora years ago,it was the same color as your nem. i was told it was dyed and died a few weeks later.
Well, I am hoping that it is doing better. One thing that I know for sure....there is NO for sure with these guys.
Johnny mind of their own. Thanks for you feedback.


yes i wish you luck
i bought a BTA acouple weeks ago from a petstore that sucks and it looked good. it lasted two weeks for me. i noticed one day it had a hole straight through it... so i moved it to another tank and it didn't get worse then next day it starting wasting away. then acouple days it looked like it was making a come back then it had it. its hit and miss with this guys,since petstores don't take care of half the stuff they get.


Originally Posted by blownz281
yes i wish you luck
i bought a BTA acouple weeks ago from a petstore that sucks and it looked good. it lasted two weeks for me. i noticed one day it had a hole straight through it... so i moved it to another tank and it didn't get worse then next day it starting wasting away. then acouple days it looked like it was making a come back then it had it. its hit and miss with this guys,since petstores don't take care of half the stuff they get.
WOW.....Thats crazy that its stats changed every day. Keep your fingers crossed for me