Is it just me or does snails get the better of anyone else here.


I think I may have a rare problem or it may be common and people don't talk about it that much. I have these small snails. I got them form my brothers tank. They seemed to do very well in his tank. So I took a few from him. Now I must say I have HUNDREDS of these little guys running my tank.
During the day. You may see a handfull of them. Look at night with the lights off and the tank is moving. Literaly all the walls covered and the LR. It's like they hide until the lights go out. I get snail eggs on the front glass all the time. I just scrape it off when I get the chance. I don't need any more of these guys.
The biggest problem with them is they get into my pumps. They don't seem to upset the big externals like my Iwaki. It seems that they go to feed on the algea on my closed loop intake strainer and get stuck in the slots. I need to figure out a way to keep them away from it.
Just thought I would rant a little
Maybe I should bag some up and sell them


i believe i have the same problem... their nuisence snails... they are all over the tank, and dont grow any larger than about 1 mm..
i would suggest a 6line wrasse to take care of those suckers!!! i havent got one yet, but i plan to in the next few days.


Good luck. I have had a 6line in my tank from day one. He is very fat and happy. I don't think he is eating the snails though......
The biggest killer is the intake of the closed loop. The suction is so great they get stuck on the little slits and I guess it kills them.
So they are pretty much just a pain in the a@# snail.
Guess they at least help with the detrious a little


i also heard that the 6line wrasses will take care of flatworms too..... (um, i have them too).


Active Member
You probably have to manually remove them yourself. I don't have any problems with them but they do mutiply pretty quickly.