is it normal that


Active Member
a clownfish's chin (underside of the mouth) is lighter in color than the rest of its body.
i've seen many pictures of the same appearance. i just wonder if it's the beginning of something bad.


Staff member
What are you feeding the fish and what are the water conditions, including nitrates and phosphates?


Active Member
umm.. it's a new tank, just cycled.
flakes, frozen food. very little amount.
little to no phosphate. nitrate little too.
the clownfishes i have had all have similar 'condition' if you can call that. and they did not belong in the same tank. the only ones that don't have this are the maroons but that might be because their color is too deep.
i am in the process of performing hyposalinity


Staff member
You are performing hyposalinity? Why?
Clownfish are not good canidates for brand new tanks. Also, that diet is pretty inadequate and could well account for fading colors. Drop the flakes, add some variety. Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the receipe for fish food there.


Active Member
uh... i think we went over why i am doing this
but nevermind that.
as for feeding, i feed them formula one. i read the FAQ, i suppose the recipe there works for clowns. but i've heard that seafood bought from food market may bring bad stuff, according to joyce wilkerson.