is it ok or should I do some changes


This is my filter system just looking for some feed back want to know if I should add anything. basically is it a good system
this is the drain it is split


so what I have is egg crate with fibermesh covering it. that cover the bulk heads which are the drains then it splits up goes to to pumps one side through a cannister filter the other side straight back in the tank for movment.see were the rock is to the left that is were the egg crate is under the cc


Options that I would have chosen:
1. Add internal overflows and build standpipes
2. redesign the filtrations system
3. Get rid of canister and look into Wet/dry,sump, or fuge.
4. Plug bulkheads and use external overflow
5. don't understand your system.
I know your question is there, but your poll....well really has no substance to it.
It almost sound like want to do something new to redesign, have you formulated any ideas on what you would like to do or am I off base here.
I think we have disscused before that although your system is different, it is working. so my question to you is What would you like to do?


I dont understand how you can say their is no substance I have provided pictures and a full detailed explianation of how the tank is set up. Adding internal over flow is not an option for I told you before i am new to the hobby, I understand that the way to go is a wet dry with a fuge. maybe ask yourself what would thomas do if it was his tank?


I only meant the poll selections, not meaning any offense.


Active Member
Is your tank a FO, Reef or combination?
Personally, I would ditch the canister filter and get a sump and a fuge.


How could I do it with out draining out all the water and glueing in overflow boxes that probably would never hold a tight seal?


Active Member
How does it work now? It may work just the way it is. Instead of the water going into the canister it goes into the sump.
Ditching the canister was a little hasty. With your system being a FO then you would have to make sure the amount of LR was sufficient.
If your system is working good then a change may not be within your best interests.


I'm still thinking about this and have been wondering about the idea of adding stand pipes so that the water would come off of the top and then down below, in this way you could get the oils and DOC's that float to the top. It would also prevent massive drainage, but the way you have it now you don't need to worry about that right? If you don't mind internal overflows perhaps they could be added.
How far are the holes from the sides and back of the tank?
Any way that I have been thinking of doing this (if it were my tank) involves draining the tank.


as of right now their is no way for me to have a leak,unless someone cut the lines.I have thought about internal over flows but my tank is a custom design 45x34x36 so it is a big square. and the way the top is i cannot install any over flows with out doing surgery on the top of the aquarium.I am sorry for being a pain and appriacate you people helping me out. I wanted a wet dry and fuge to grow algea looked in to it before I set up the tank ,but could not do it because of these reasons. Any other ideas would be greatful


I voted for you suck.......only cuz I am jelous and I want your tank:p I would leave well enough alone. I would however add pvc spray bars and such to the intakes on outtakes on the inside of the tank to get more even distribution of current. Add a good amount of live rock and get rid of the crushed coral and switch to a DSB. I do however see no option of adding a protein skimmer with out modifying the canopy. I would include a protein skimmer if at all posible. My other take on what to do is to drain the tank build your overflows where your intakes are. I am under the asumption that the bulk head fittings are a good size from the pic. Add a wet dry, protein skimmer, DSB, and a little live rock.
BTW what kinda lights came with the setup?


lol you are funny thanks for everybody help I think I am going to get rid of the egg crates and put in extended tubes for the drains so I get more docs going to the cannister filter.thanks jarvis for the compliment I did put up some pics of my tank.