IS it ok?


hey i just got my anemone that hopefully my clowns will host but its not looking so good. It has spread out a ton and kind of buried its base it looks like but the tentacles are like curly is it ok. O what kind is it? and also about how long until the clowns host them



hey i just got my anemone that hopefully my clowns will host but its not looking so good. It has spread out a ton and kind of buried its base it looks like but the tentacles are like curly is it ok. O what kind is it? and also about how long until the clowns host them



What size is your tank and what kind of lights are you using? How long have you had your tank up and running? Have you checked you Ph and other levels? If so, they can take a little time to get aclimated to their new tank. Where did you get the anemone from? LFS (local fish store) or somewhere else? Did it look like that when you got it? These ?'s will help everyone try to help you find the answers you need. Also, the clowns may or may not take to it. ( I'm thinking that if it is your only anemone, and it remains healthy they shouldn't have a problem warming up to it fairly quickly though! ) I have two clowns and 3 anemones and they wont go near 2 of the anemones. Most enjoy the protection, especially if there are other fish in the tank. It may be just fine, but diet and light and water quality have a lot to do with it.


Looks like a Macrodactyla doreensis to me but no guarantees at this point.
Hard to give you any kind of answer about your clowns because you don't say what type of clown fish you have, therefore I don't know if they would normally be received by this type of anemone.
I can tell you one thing though, if this is indeed Macrodactyla doreensis then its going to want to plant its foot into a SAND BED and not crushed coral. Also if this tank is deep then you are going to need metal halides to keep it alive or at least a good strong PC or VHO, but then again the power of those lights will diminish in deeper tanks, and I don't know what size your tank is.


MY tank i know has not been set up long enought but my levels have stayed very good except my ph is a little low around 7.8. My lights are a 150watt mh and 2x24watt actinics. It is a 30 gallon tank. I bought it at the LFs where it was in a small small tank and had just arrived today. IT was mixed in with a bunch of other anemones hard to tell them separate but yeah i guessed it looked a little like this. Its only been in there 24 hours so i guess i can give it more time to get used. ty for the replies

salty cheese

Active Member
Looks like it's starting to bleach due to the lack of proper lighting/stress from shipping. IMO feed it some meaty food and keep an eye on it and don't be surprised if it moves around looking for its happy place. :happyfish


i have posted again in the new hobbiest board. my tank is 30 gallons with 150 watts of metal halides. It has already planted its foot in the cc though. the clowns are true percs. any other info on this type of anemone


i thought my lighting was plenty for it though? and any suggestions on how to feed it? all i have right now is frozen food


Just what's in the top sticky:
Macrodactyla doreensis, Long Tentacle Anemone, Corkscrew Tentical red or salmon pink, with veruccae underneath oral disk. Buries column in substrate. Seldom confused. Natural symbionts are Clark's and Pink Skunk clownfishes; in aquarium often accepted by Maroon, Bluestripe and Tomato clowns, as well.
Clownfishes by Wilkerson states:
Amphiprion chrysogaster, Mauritian Clownfish
A. clarkii, Clark's Clownfish
A. perideraion, Pink Skink Clownfish
A. polymnus, Saddleback Clownfish
In captivity but not in nature it also hosts:
Premnas biaculeatus, Maroon Clownfish
I'm sure you can look up other information about it.


Active Member
More importantly.... what the heck is that yellow thing doing in your tank? :p
Tell me thats not a painted hermit crab shell.... oh please oh please tell me its not.


umm yeah sure its not lol, get it out now i take it? it was all my LFS had and my crabs are leaving their shells with nothing to go into


Active Member
I cant say for sure. But my guess is its a Heteractis crispa; Sebae. If it is then it looks OK.
OR maybe a LTA but the color dont look right. Sebaes are naturaly found sporting sweet colors and in your color also. They both are happy in the sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cheapfish1
MY tank i know has not been set up long enought...

I'm not an expert on anemones by any means. Having said that, however, please
don't buy things "knowing" your tank is not ready. That only leads to problems in your tank.


yeah thanks for the help journey. very helpful
Ok cool thanks alot everyone esle. IT is doing much better today and i gave it some food which it instantly grabbed and ate. REally cool and it is getting alot more brown which i assume to be the photosynthetic stuff inside right.
thanks again for the replies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cheapfish1
yeah thanks for the help journey. very helpful
Ok cool thanks alot everyone esle. IT is doing much better today and i gave it some food which it instantly grabbed and ate. REally cool and it is getting alot more brown which i assume to be the photosynthetic stuff inside right.
thanks again for the replies.
Actually it was meant TO BE BOTH helpful and polite. If you learn to research first and only purchase what your tank can sustain you will be far more successful and far more happy in the long run. I wish someone would have told me to research more 15 years ago when I first tried this hobby (before I gave up in disgust)

Anemones can takes months to die... and when they die they secrete a large portion of ammonia that can further damage a tank's water quality.