is it possible to mix aggressive fish and clownfish?


It will all depend on how big th eclownfish is relation to the other fish. Lions will only bother fish which it can fit into their mouths. Triiger will depend on what type of trigger and eels same thing-what type. there are a few "fish-safe triggers" like blue cheek, pinktailed, niger which will leave a large fish alone, Other triggers like clowns huma, picaso will not.
Eels-same here, the snowflake, zebra, chainlink are pretty fish safe until they get big, but any fanged tooth moray will catch and eat fish.
What type of fish are you talking about


well i was thinking i would get the clownfish first so they could grow a little before i get the lion and trigger. it would also be a smaller lion. i was thinking of a clown trigger but i guess thats out of the question. as far as the eel i think ther is one that only gets 12 inches. do you think that would be small enough not to worry about it? do you think a 90 gallon tank is large enough for all these fish? how many fish would you say a 90 gallon tank with lots of structure could house?


Actually, I was planning on getting a pair of big mated maroon clowns to go with a SFE and a puffer. :)
Like someone else said, you just need to get the right sizes.
As far as clowns go, I'd think that either tomoato or maroon clowns would be able to hold their own in most cases. (provided they are big enough)


Make sure you buy the clowns BIG. I've had my clown for almost a year now, and he hasn't grown at all! I feed him everyday and he always has a fat gut. I think clowns just grow very slowly or somethin. So I wouldn't plan on letting him grow lol... :D
i have a big tomato who will chase my bigger clowntrigger around and i added a big french angel who gets chased alot from the tomato clown he was in with a undulated ,huma ,porky,lionfish,2.5 foot sfe and he has out lived the undulated ,huma,niger,and my other clowntrigger he is a mean boy or girl no one messes with him i have seen him fight off the undulated who ripped my huma huma eye out ,they are awesome fish :D


It can be done if the clown is big enough but buy them big even if you bought them now it could be a year or two plus lions and most triggers grow a little quicker..I would try..maroon clarkii tomato those are the most common and all will reach at least 3in in length...............................;)


New Member
I have two smaller clowns with an anenome for each of them and they do fine with a trigger, lion, grouper and eel. The clowns always stay near the anenome and the other fish have given up trying to chase them.
I had a huma trigger kill a tomato clown the same size as him and then he killed a big maroon clown that was bigger then him the weird part is he never messed with the damsels that were about half the size of him