Is it possible to mix Anthias in a reef tank?



Has anyone had luck, or have any advice, on mixing Anthias in a 125g reef tank? The two types I am wanting to get are the Sunburst and the Lyretail. If compatible, what ratio would you recommend? Thanks!


Active Member
it is possible. one of the employees of my lfs has a purple anthias and a week later added the lyretail and 2 weeks later added another anthias and had no problem!


Originally Posted by nissan577
it is possible. one of the employees of my lfs has a purple anthias and a week later added the lyretail and 2 weeks later added another anthias and had no problem!
Nice, but do they school ?? is what I want to know.


DrTito brings up a good question. Obviously the main thing is for all of them to get along in the tank but it would be an added bonus if they all school together!
Here is a list of the tank mates: (I may move the clowns out if I get the Anthias):
-Hippo Tang
-2 clownfish
-Potters Angel
-Randalls goby
-Whiteray Shrimp Goby
-Watchman goby
-2 Firefish
- misc shrimp


They are listed as schooling in the 100s. I have bin looking forward torward buying some, but have not done enough research as to which school best.
I gave up on green cromies, they kill each other.


Active Member
Even anthias of the same species don't really school in tanks. They mostly form loose shoals.
As far as mixing species, yes it can be done. The larger the tank you have, the better it seems. Add the least aggressive anthias first, then the more aggressive.
Some things to keep in mind, other then a few 'main stream' anthias, most the of species in this genus are very fragile and don't do well in captivity. Second, the specialized needs of anthias, mainly the heavy and frequent feeding requirements. These guys need fed at least 3x a day. And because of this, make sure your tank can support them. 4 anthias would need at least a 100gal tank.