Is it possible to rid Ick


Okay...I have a question about ICK. I would like to know if you treated every fish that you introduced into your aquarium with hyopsalinity and quarantined all inverts, could you have an aquarium that did not have once ounce of ick in it. Or are you always going to have ick in one form or another in the aquarium? Would love to get some feedback on this one. Thanks.


Active Member
hmmmm im not entirely sure to be honest. Beth or Terry will know.
LOl just a suggestion - I think we should have an Ick forum!
Tim :cool:


i have ask this same ? to everyone i know and on all the different boards some say it is always in your tank some say no i would also like to know!


How would it be possible for ick to survive, if you treated all you fish with hypo before they were in the tank, and kept all inverts in a quarantine tank for 3 weeks before putting them in the tank. Wouldn't the hypo kill all of the ick parasites in or on the fish, and wouldn't the invert quarantine keep the ick from entering the main tank by dying off due to the hostless enviroment.
Part 2. Does ozone kill all ick parasites. I am unfamiliar with adding ozone to your aquarium. Are there any side effects to humans?