Is it safe to spray paint in my house?


I have some MDF I need to spray paint and its way too cold to do it outside. Would it be safe to do it in my basement? I was thinking of closing off an area by one of the windows with a tarp, spray painting in there, and then turning a fan on towards the open window to blow out all of the fumes. I just want to know if this would be safe enough.


Originally Posted by Johnbob
I have some MDF I need to spray paint and its way too cold to do it outside. Would it be safe to do it in my basement? I was thinking of closing off an area by one of the windows with a tarp, spray painting in there, and then turning a fan on towards the open window to blow out all of the fumes. I just want to know if this would be safe enough.
How big a sheet? If you are doing a 4x8 sheet I would be hesitant to spray paint it. I would try to roll it, just to make it uniform. Being that it is MDF it may absorb a bit of that paint, requiring multiple coats to make it uniform. I have been painting alot of steel and lumber at work lately using spray paint...I think you would be fine given the amount I have recently inhaled.


Active Member
yeah, that is no big deal at all, I'd spray paint it inside. You're plan is fine, But I'd just open the windows.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Not just causes cancer but the leading contributor to oral cancer.

Oh come now...not you...I generally like your contributions...tell me it's not so...
Another year, and they will report opposite findings. People have WAY too much time on their hands. Gonna go live my life now...hope my door knobs are OK.


if you have a significant other or kids, dont spray paint inside. If you are a single guy and can handle the smell, go for it. You'll get b!tched at for days if the wife/gf lives with you.


Active Member
When I first read this thread title, I thought he asked if it was ok to spray paint his house... I missed the "inside" part haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
When I first read this thread title, I thought he asked if it was ok to spray paint his house... I missed the "inside" part haha.
I did too (I grew up in Danville, so it must be an East Bay thing)


Ok cool. I'll just make sure to open all of the windows in the area and blow fans out of them. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
My brother does this all the time. The house stinks for less than a day. He isn't doing because of the cold, but rather out of apathy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
MVHS grad of '92
Monte Vista. How dare you! just kidding.
My wife is an MV grad and I'm always giving her a hard time about it. She doesn't care, and even though I really shouldn't either (since it's been so long) I'm still very patriotic to the green and gold wolves.