New Member
Hello I picked this up at the LFS yesterday and the lady sold it to me as a sponge. I was attracted to the brilliant red color of it . Anyway I have Eric Bornemans book of Corals and can not find anything in the book on a sponge close to it and no corals just like it either. It looks like a leather coral but there is no reference to leathers coming in this brilliant red. It has a split in the middle and it can open and close the split when alarmed. I posted a picture of the underside also just for reference. I need to know what it is so I can take proper care of it . I am not in the habit of purchasing things I am not sure about but this was a bargain and so pretty that I had a weak moment. It is the size of an ornge and a lot brighter red than the photo shows. any help will be appreciated. :notsure: one more thing..the split does not have what i would call a mouth..more like a fine fine line where it meets.