is it stressed?(COral beauty)


New Member
I have had my coral beauty angel for 1month1/2 and it seems healthy with my two blue damsel and me tomato clown. just yesterday however i saw it lying on the sand, was swimming very slowly, got stuck to my filter head, and sat dormantly while my other inhabitants nipped it. its breathing slightly, but since yestreday i have qurantined it in a small breeding net. Its condition remain sthe same., Is it stress or is it dying?


Active Member
nope, not too good. might be too stressed out. sometimes their colors change (the stripes in the mid section) when they are stressed out. They are great fish, but can get stressed easliy.
Will he eat?


Active Member
I had a coral beauty in a 55 gallon, and it did the same thing then died. I had damsels in there as well. It probably is stressed due to bullying and cant take it.


Active Member
The damsels and the tomato are pretty aggressive fish. Unfortunately having a fish get "sick" at the 1 - 2 month stage is not all that uncommon and we don't know the conditions under which they were caught/shipped. Your coral beauty may not have been in the best of health and/or fully adjusted to your tank yet. Add that to the natural aggressiveness of the others and you had a recipe for disaster. I've been there, done that. Sorry to hear it has happened to you. Are there any visible signs or discoloration on your coral beauty. I've had mine for about a year and a half and I'd go into mourning if I lost it.:(


Active Member
What are your parameters? PH mainly. The damsels can withstand a large change in ph, but I don't think the coral beauty is quite as resiliant.