is it too much?


New Member
I have a 75g. tank stocked with:
a snowflake eel (14 inches)
a zebra eel (12 inches)
a panther grouper (5 inches)
a niger trigger (3 inches)
a yellow tang
a nice size green brittle star
a chocolate chip star
I have a volitan lionfish on order at a lfs. I'd also like to add a tesselata eel.
(I plan on moving these guys to a bigger tank asap)
While they are living together peacefully now, my question is, will they continue to do so as they get bigger? And if I get a big enough tank can I add another eel or two?
What do you think????


WAY TOO MUCH FOR A 75G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scared: Dear god, with just half of those fish it would be too much. If you want all that you will need a tank A LOT BIGGER. Your bioload is just going to be too much and this fish most likely will kill eachother because of the tiny space, especially as they get bigger. I'm not sure how big of a tank you will need, but it will be in the 180 just to keep them quiet, possibly bigger as they all mature to their full size. Plus, with the Tesselated, they eat fish unlike the zebra eel (which just eats crustaceans), so you might want to think that one over.
P.S> Must be an amazing looking tank though


New Member
It does sound pretty crowded doesn't it?! It doesn't look that way though. I plan on moving them up to a 150 right after christmas. And eventually I'd like a 300,at least. You think they'd be good in a 150 for a year or two?


Active Member
Originally Posted by amber78
It does sound pretty crowded doesn't it?! It doesn't look that way though. I plan on moving them up to a 150 right after christmas. And eventually I'd like a 300,at least. You think they'd be good in a 150 for a year or two?

i agree a 180 is really gonna have to do the trick. and yes it doesnt look like it right now, youre right, but the grouper grows extremely fast, and the waste that eels produce, actually most carnivores for that matter, is gonna be way too much for your 75. you will have to have a 180 minimum, and even then youre pushing it.
I bet your tank looks awesome now, but there will be a big war with those guys. and then you thought about adding a lion, and another eel. too many fish, as it is, then to add those guys, thats a time bomb waiting to happen. good luck. i think if you want to have a 150, you could do the eels, and the lion, and the trigger. and maybe one more decent sized fish.
make a list of your favorites out of what you have.. i know those are all of your favs. but maybe you favor one more than the other. this way we could help you narrow down what you should keep.
If you were to get a 300, youd be able to have all of those, and that would be one insane aggressive tank

that poor yellow, hes probably losing his mind. by the way what do you feed the yellow? considering everyone else are carnivores.


New Member
The tang was there first, before I decided to go aggressive. The lfs said he should be fine for now. I give him seaweed and flakes and he eats on the shrimp I feed the rest of the tank. Thanks for the advice, I guess I'll just have to get my 300 sooner than later.


If you do get a 300, you WILL have to post pics when everything is settled in because that is an amazing combonation of fish.