Is it uncommon for a fish to just not eat sometimes?


I have a pair of true percs thats are a eeek old in my tank. Well on just refused to eat and I haven't fed them all day. He is showing no signs of disease he just kind of levitates in one spot near the top of the tank. No abnormal signs though
Any ideas?


sometimes they are under stress and not eating is a sure sign of that. if he does not eat for more than a few days try changing foods or somehting. live brine works well usually.


Well he ate fine the other day, but I did do a water change and I had a powerhead fall off the side of the tank inot the bottom. Maybe that is it?
I feed all my fish live brine


check your water please
it's the sign of stress.
If the fishs do not acting normally, there is something wrong.


Active Member
If I understand your post correctly you are saying the percs are only a week old in your tank?
It is not uncommon for percs to not eat when first introduced to a new system.
From my personal experience with percs it took them a couple of weeks before they established a normal feeding pattern.
They now eat anything including seaweed selects.