Is L/R better than LL/S


Does any one know if Live Rock was better than Live Sand
or do you need both
if one or the other is better can you give a brief explanation tks

I have a 36 gal tank that i want to start but i am still undecided what to get :thinking:
I dont have fish in the tank because i need to cycle the water first

I don't think ill be going coral soon :notsure:


Active Member
Live rock and live sand are both very beneficial to tank. So adding both is a good idea. Live rock need to be cured for a few weeks to take care of the die offs.
My first suggestion is don't skimp on equipment and other things . Cheaper is cheaper for a reason. Both LR and LS are beficial and will help with cycling your tank because the already have some denitifying bacteria.


Active Member
they do different jobs. live sand will help (depending on depth) with anaerobic breakdown of nitrates. live rock produces the nitrates.
also, live sand will cushion the fall of your rocks when a snail/hermit/urchin knocks it over, preventing it from falling on bare glass.