Is mardel copper safe an effective ich treatment?


Thats the only copper treatment brand I could find at 830 pm tonight. Most stores are closed so my choices were limited. My sailfin tang is still eating really well. I just got him a few days ago so hes still in qt, so my other fish are safe I just dont want to lose him.
Would a water change be too stressful on him?


Why not just hypo? So much less stress is caused to the fish with a hypo salinity treatment. Remember, copper is effective in treating ich, but it's poison and some fish don't do well with it. Personally, I never copper a fish. The treatment length is only slightly cut down when using copper vs hypo so I just don't find it worth it.


Well-Known Member
Tangs don't do well with copper. I think they are more sensitive to it.
I've used copper on many fish, and never really had more than a 70% success rate of treating them. I think hypo would work considerably better.
Consider that you need a copper test kit as well if you are dosing copper. Under 1ppm and it's ineffective, over 1ppm and it's deadly.
If you do hypo, you will absolutely need a refractometer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kilofey http:///t/391437/is-mardel-copper-safe-an-effective-ich-treatment#post_3471393
Thats the only copper treatment brand I could find at 830 pm tonight. Most stores are closed so my choices were limited. My sailfin tang is still eating really well. I just got him a few days ago so hes still in qt, so my other fish are safe I just dont want to lose him.
Would a water change be too stressful on him?
I have used this copper many times without any problems. I used to always copper new comers in the QT prior to introducing them into my DT. I have never lost a critter because of copper. With this said it is more important in my opinion to watch your parameters. When doing a water changes, test the copper level in the tank first. I have always added one capful of the copper to my new water when doing my water changes. I have coppered Tangs, my trigger, wrasse and Royal gramma, and my angel and they have all been in my DT without any prolems.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Also if you are using copper you need to check all parms, ammonia, etc. Copper will effect your bio filter. Always have a fresh batch of salt water ready for quick change, make sure to add the proper dose copper to the new water. Good luck


Staff member
Yes, it is effective. Tangs, however, are not ideal candidates for copper use. It may contribute to HLLE.