I'd hate to say it but 96 watts over a standard 10 gallon tank is MORE than enough light to house almost anything...Trust me I am not trying to start an argument here in anyway. But these types of anenomes are the easiest and least light required. They are a great species for beginers.
So sorry to use the watts per gallon analogy... But I am more than sure that if he has a 96 watt 10,000k and acintic mixed.. He can house most coral species and such,
Although Viper is right, a 10 gallon is way to small to house one of these... And they are sensitive to water fluctuations...I'd hate to see the little guy die if your tank for some reason spikes for any apparant reason.... I had a 20 gallon and the water remained perfect all the time, although I was running a skimmer and had chaeto in my refugium to help eat up the nitrates and such...Also water changes every week...
If I were you I would return the anenome to the store.. I mean if you explain that you read up on its requirements and it requires a tank no smaller thank a 20 gallon and the light it requires. They should refund your money... They also, that is if its a reputable pet store, should have explained to you about housing one of these. To me if you bought it from a pet store, they are most at fault than you... A good pet store is not just out for money.. They want to maintain a steady customer base... Thats why most pet stores get a bad rap.. They don't bother to educate the hobbiest's and they get extremly upset when you try to share your knowledge.... Its a tough business.. I've been in it... Any rate, use your best judgement and read up on the type of anenome you have.. Maybee you could upgrade your tank and such.....