Is my anemone dead?


My Anemone has looked quite weird for the last couple of weeks. He always seems like he's shriveled up. I think it's a bubble tip, is he dying? How do you know when they're dead?


You'll know when it's dead, it will look like a melting blob and will be falling apart. It will smell real bad also.
What kind of lights do you have?
How long is your tank been set up?
What size is your tank?
How long is the anemone in the tank?
What is your water params?
Can you post a pic? Anything else you can tell us would help.
Does it inflate and deflate or is it shriveled all the time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
You'll know when it's dead, it will look like a melting blob and will be falling apart. It will smell real bad also.
What kind of lights do you have?
How long is your tank been set up?
What size is your tank?
How long is the anemone in the tank?
What is your water params?
Can you post a pic? Anything else you can tell us would help.
Does it inflate and deflate or is it shriveled all the time?
What he said....


Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
You'll know when it's dead, it will look like a melting blob and will be falling apart. It will smell real bad also.
What kind of lights do you have?
How long is your tank been set up?
What size is your tank?
How long is the anemone in the tank?
What is your water params?
Can you post a pic? Anything else you can tell us would help.
Does it inflate and deflate or is it shriveled all the time?
is it possible to remove them from the tank at this point? sound like they would cause a big amonia spike if/when they die.


if it's still able to move, you might be able to point a power head at it, or move the rock it its on into a high flow area of the tank and see if it is capabe of moving itself out of the way, it would be a lot easier than trying to pry whats left of the poor critter off the rock and risking the possibility of killing the poor thing, if it isn't already dead.
If you have a qt tank set up, especially if it has the proper lighting, or lighting that would be suitable for an anenome to be nursed back to health, you could try moving it and the rock it is on in there.
Are the tentacles still sticky?? If so then there might be some hope. Is it bleached in color?


Active Member
Yeah, when he dies, he disintegrates. If it looks like he has holes in his body, that means the end is near. Better to take him out and have a burial service for him than let him suffer.