Is My Anemone dieing?


Active Member
since ive got my rbta, ive noticed that a little piece of hits guts are hanging out, hes does the usual ruitin, deflating at night and reflating in the day. he has his bubbles. my anemone might be 4" in diameter with a small piece about the size of a pencil erazer hanging out.


Active Member
its white. i kno its not poop, and his tentacles dont stick to silversides.. it doesnt seem like hes dead becuase he has his bubbles but a little bit of his gut is hanging out :confused:


Active Member
ya, ill try. maybe i can get some up with my friends camera becuase i am getting one around christmas time. he just delfated about a hour ago and pooped. his guts are still hanging out likes it normal. how come my anemone doesnt hold onto brine shrimp or silversides with his tentacles? there not sticky..


Active Member
Sorry, I was working on my new MH light, then watched tv. :)
I don't know why anemones loose the stickyness in their tentacles, you may want to ask Thomas about that.


Hmmm. I read and responded to the other thread first. Now that I have read this though I'll add this.
We need to find out what is truly coming out of the anemone. Its poo or its zoo.
(Great, I can see that becoming a catch phrase in the future)

Give me the lighting and type as well as the tank size again, cuz I just don't remember everyones. Also how long the lights are on.
How often are you feeding?
I suggest you stop feeding for a couple of weeks.
As to stickiness these anemones have some of the least sticky tenticals
Give me more information as things unfold.