Is my anemone dying?


I got this anemone a few months ago and it had a very large tube...5" or better and would open like crazy over all it must have stood about 8 inches or all the sudden he's not eating as much and has dwindled up to 1/4 his normal size...i'm not sure what to is a picture of a one that I found that seems to be somewhat healthy...

here is my pathetic anemone today...this is actually him being good and even coming out...usually he just hides in the rock and doesn't even show his self. any suggestions?


Has he wedged into the rock? It still looks healthy. It just wont be as open if it wedged into the rocks.


yea he has wedged down in a hole...but I'm not sure how far he has gone down there. He only comes out during a few hours of the day..usually in the evening before the lights go out. I try to feed him some shrimp like I always have but he seems reluctant to take water is in good shape, I don't have current parameters right now, but they don't change much at all.


But when you say that is when you need to check it. If your water was always in good shape then when sudden things occur or something you dont know because "your water is always good)


Active Member
With no questions answered I'm going to speculate...
- new tank
- PC lights
- high nitrate, possibly even nitrite and ammonia detectable


the water quality is ok... 0 Nitrates, Nitrites, Phosphate, and Ammonia....the lights could be better, but this setup has been the same for about a year, the lights are newer but the same kind...All-Glass 15w bullshit bulbs...everything is doing well. Coralline is growing my mushroom polyps are growing tube worms, etc...just this anemone has all the sudden shrivled and I don't know why.


Active Member
The light you have can NOT sustain an anemone. Anemone's need at least a T5, preferably MH lights. There is the problem.


both my anemones have been perfectly fine until this one started to become smaller rock flower anemone has done great this past year....they are the first things (besides LR) I added to my tank...I know the lighting is inadequit but it's worked for a year so far....they would have died off long before now if lighting was that bad.


I realize that, but it just doesn't make sense....i've moved the LR around lately.....and he is now closer to the lights than normal...would that have an affect?