Is my anemone ok


I am not sure if this guy is doing okay or getting sick. I bought him and another about 2 weeks ago. The other is doing great. If you look at the photo, his body seems translucent and his boot is very swolen, but his tenticals are not fully extended. He was siting ontop of a powerhead since he was introduced, so I was wondering if the electric or magnetic fields from the power head could have a negitive impact. Also if you look directly below him somthing came out of his mouth. I have been feeding them shrip and I wasn't sure if that was the waste.
For lighting I have 2 175 w MH and 2 VHO Atinic. All of my levels are in check. What do you guys think.


Active Member
How long has your tank been established?
What lighting setup do you have?
It looks very bleached. Bleaching is when the anemone looses its zooxanthelae, which are symbiotic algea. The algea gets light energy and uses photosynthesis to feed themselves and the anemone. With sufficient lighting the anemone can regain its population of zooxanthelae, but for now feed it 2-3 times weekly.


Originally Posted by dingo0722
The lighting is 5500k MH and 110w atinic.
Well fist off that anemone is definatly bleached, so I would believe that it is stressed right now and a bit on the unhealthy side.
As to the lighting I'm at least glad to see that you are supplimenting with actinic lighting. Personally I do not like the 5500k spectrum in any bulb and in order to have something close to looking as it would in the ocean then it is good that you have the actinic going as well.
I would try a variety of foods on your anemone, don't stuff him all at once but better to give him small meals and feed him 3 or 4 times per week right now. I'm not a big fan of overfeeding anything from fish to corals and even anemones. But right now your anemone needs a supplimental food source. Your lighting should be enough to bring him around in about 3 or 4 months. He should (if all goes well) begin to darken up.
Try feeding mysis shrimp, krill, or silversides if you can get them. Cocktail shirmp and scallops can also be used, if you have cyclopeeze you can put some of that in the mix as well.
Any current (electrical) from devices could be damaging to any inhabitant.
Also this is a what type of anemone? sebae? condy? what?


Originally Posted by dingo0722
The anemone is a Florida Condi. I have a pair of 10k MH, would you recomend that I swap them in?
If I had the 10k then I would use them, but thats my pesonal opinion. I do use the 10k XM bulbs (2-250watt) and love the color, I also suppliment with 440 watts of VHO-(2 110 Super actinic and 2- URI actinic)


are you saying that i can use just normal from the supermarker cocktail shrimp? would i have to boil them to serilize them or anything? Also where do you get silversides from, i keep hearing them brought up


Originally Posted by bchbum189
Q: are you saying that i can use just normal from the supermarker cocktail shrimp?
A: Yes
Q:would i have to boil them to serilize them or anything?
Q:Also where do you get silversides from?,
A:Any LFS should carry them.


all of my light are only 3 months old. I must report that the anemone is doing much better, is larger then ever and has been eating very easily. Thanks for the input Thomas