Is my anemone Okay?


Active Member
I have a pink tip anemone. I've had it for about a month and a half. It was always doing good. I just looked in the tank and there is all this brown mucus like stuff coming from the center of it. It was halfway inflated and I gave it 4 pieces of prawn and it took them all. Now it is completely deflated. Is there something wrong with it? Is there anything I can do?


Active Member
It is just expelling waste, aka taking a dump. :) It will do this every so often, depending on how often you feed.


Active Member
Maybe try feeding you anemone less food more often. Since they are efficient eaters, they will usually digest most everything you give them and have very little waste. If you anemone is taking huge "dumps" as viper so nicely put it, you may be feeding them to much(not to often).