Is my anenome dead or alive?????


I have what I think is a Pink Tip Haitain Anenome. I'm not sure it's alive - When I first got it a week ago, I "laid" it on top of a LR near tye top of my tank, and my clown took to it immediately! Now, over the period of a week, the tentacles are retracted, even kind if a light brown color (not real white), nor can I see the pink tips.
Over a matter of few days, the anenome crawled to the back side of my LR, where I couldn't really see it. Whenever I try to pick it up to move it, the Clown attacks my hand, I guess he's being protective?
Anyway, I just finshed a water change, I do them twice a month - about 10% for my 55 gal. I will provide parameters later today. I made several attempts to put the anenome on top of the LR, but he won't stay - just floats to the bottom of the tank, laying on it's side atop the LS.
Now that I've finished the water change and my general housekeeping of the tank, the anenome is laying on the bottom of my tank - not moving! The Clown is wallowing in the tentacles, but I'm not sure it's alive.
I have PC lights with actinics, which are on about six hours/day. water temp. stays steady at 79.8 degrees.
I only fed the anenome twice since I've had it - with brine shrimp, and he seemed to eat OK. In fact it appeared the clown was feeding it too!
Can anyone provide any insight?
If you need a photo, I can provide.


How many watts of lighting do you have over what size tank??
The pink tip probally will die under PC lighting unless you have a TON of watts per gallon.
The fact that its not attaching its foot would signify that its not very happy..
Clown fish will protect and will feed their anenome, i didnt think pink tips were typically a clown anenome though

Most anenomes require Metal Halide lighting.. When i did have PC lighting i was able to keep a very healthy BTA and others have said BTA's are the easier to keep anenomes.
If that anemoe does die and melts down your going to have a serious jelly like funk on the bottom of your tank that wont be fun to clean up.... we're talking massive amounts of water changes lol.


OK, let's try this. The first pic should be of the anenome healthy. The two others are today, with the anenome not looking so good!



From the pics i can tell its not enough lighting... And it looks like it definently is dying..
Also maroon clowns are the most aggressive or protective.. I also have a maroon but thankfully doesnt show any aggression towards me when i feed his anenome.


I would have to agree with the statement above. He's dying, almost dead. What do u use for lighting? He doesnt look good. Take him out before you have anemone goo everywhere and have to do a thousand water changes to get it out.


Active Member
It doesnt look like its dying to me at all. He may be unhappy though. Is it attached to that rock?


Just an update: I have a Coralife PC 260 total watts. 65w per.
The anenome is moving and has now attached itself to a LR, but is just an inch or so above the LS. The clown is still "playing" in the anenome. Oh, and the tentacles seem whiter, at least at the base of the orange body???
Is there anything I should do or can do to help him?
I thought I read somewhere that they move until they find a place where their happy. For whatever reason, as I mentioned in the first post, he chose to move from the top of the LR (nearest the light) to the back side of the tank - in a crevice.


How big is the tank?
Anenomes arent always the smartest things when it comes to moving... behind rocks is never the best place for them lol


Active Member
Your lighting should be plenty sufficent to keep one of these anemones. Like someone else said... they arent always the smartest things.. they will move until they find a place they like.. but sometimes they just dont move in the right places. If you think wherever its moved to isnt a good place as far as it getting good flow/light then move the rock its on so it is in a better position.
As far as other things you can do - you can make sure your bulbs are replaced as they should be. You can make sure you're feeding this thing correctly, chop up the food fine. Also keep in mind that they do not only need meaty foods.
Your clown is a little big for the anemone... but the anemone should be able to handle the clown.. (hopefully).