is my anenome dying


got a pacific long tenticle anenome, had it about 2 months, everything has been good, this morning I turned the lights on checked out all the fish and everything, then my wife went in just about an hour ago and noticed the anenome is all shriveled up been this way now for about 45 minutes, also my anenome crab isnt moving around either, not sure whats happening but any help is greatly appreciated


what are your water parameters? What color is the anemone (is it white, or is there color in it)? what kind of lighting do you have, and how much?


Active Member
anemones will shrivle up now and again , if it looks like ................ well ........... how do i put this ......... ..........
an uncircumsized pen1s ........ it is porbably fine......... they will do that every so often but if it looks like its melting then you have a problem and get it out of your tank immedietly


i don't think you can really say it's fine until we know water parameters and the lighting it's under...


Active Member
That is true, but if you are going to worry everytime your anemone shrivels or changes color, then you are going to have a heartattack. This is natural behavior for anemones that is repeated dozens of times per week.
When I first got my anemones I was stressing out all of the time. It was needless and they shrivel every day.


yeah water is fine and so isnt the lighting, I up graded the lights before I even purchased the anenome because was told the original ones wouldnt work, so I got better ones, anyways he is doing good, never seen him shrivel up like that before. thanks for the help