Is my arrow crab trying to kill my cleaner shrimp?


New Member
Today when I was feeding my critters I noticed that my crab and shrimp were going at it...then the crab snipped off a piece of the shrimps feelers with his claw...what should I do? Should I be worried...I just put them both in yesterday.


Active Member
Arrow crabs are only recommended for larger tanks, and only one per tank. If your cleaner shrimp can manage to stay away from him long enough he will molt and grow back new limbs/antennas


Active Member
Some can be, mine obviously was, lost 4 fish thanks to him, caught him red handed snacking on one before i figured out why my fish were disappearing :mad:


Active Member
they looks so thin and unharmful to anything, i didnt find them as something being aggressive.

sinner's girl

arrow is aggressive. Mine is. Though I currently can't find him, while I like him and all, I don't like anything that picks on my star.


No way an arrow crab would kick its a-- they are bigger, meaner, and have better weapons. Mine would eat or attack anything he could catch.