Is my calcium to high???????


Ok here's the deal, My nitites are 0, My ammonia is 0, my nitates are 50, my PH is 8.3 and my calcium is over 1400 ppm. Is this to high? Is there anyway to bring it down if so? It's my 15 Gal. Reef that im starting, there is only 1 Royal Gramma, 10 Blue legged hermit crabs and a Emerald crab.


Active Member
Yes!!! I'm surprised its not precipitating and or building up on and in evrything in there. You will need to get it down and the only way I know how is through water changes. Maybe someone else will kow a different way. Are you sure you used the test correctly. If so get it down to 400-550.


Active Member
How are you arriving at a value of 1400 ppm calcium ?
What test kit are you using ?
Are you sure you are measuring for calcium and not mg/L calcium carbonate ?
1400 ppm is not only high - it's very high, and I doubt you're tank water is even close to that value.
What about your alkalinity ?
What more can you share regarding your test kit and test procedure ?


Holy cow - are your fish swimming in milk? ;) I wonder if you have a bad test kit or are reading it wrong. For my FOWLR tank I like a level of 450 or so.


Ok it's a Hagen Calcium test kit which does read in mg/L. But I though mg/L was pretty much the same as ppm just better. I'm not sure of my alkalinity right now. It is a Calcium because it says Ca2+.


Active Member
From the Hagen FAQ website:
Calcium test kit does not work properly. No color shown
The calcium test kit does not work properly. No color during the test or I measured calcium level up to 600 mg/l!!!!
It is very important to shake bottle reagent #2 very very well before using (at least 5 seconds of strong shaking). Dye in the bottle settles at the bottom and it must be fully mixed into the solution before adding the drops into the vial for the test.
The endpoint will be very easy to observe and obviously the result will be much more accurate.
I would try another brand of test kit before doing any drastic water changes or additives.
Here's a link to Hagen's FAQ
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Maybe try a Salifert kit, they sell them at this site under dry goods at reasonable prices, or run a water sample down to your lfs.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Thanx broomer5 I think I'm goin to get another test kit before I do anything else!! Thanx to everyone for there reply's.