is my clown dying?


I posted this in the clown section an got no answers, I read a thread very close to this one and they said post here, look for Beth.
I have a clown pair for about 2wks. now one has not eaten for 4 days. swimms toward food but will not eat. now is swimming straight up and down with nose down, if it does move from the spot it's in it seems to have balance problems and looks like an Astronaut on a 0 gravity walk. I have fed spectrum pellets and mysis shrimp. clown is not faded, no outward signs of infection. whats up with this fish?



Staff member
Clownfish are known for exhibiting some pretty odd swimming behaviors, and even may make some hobbyist fearful for their fish, but frequently it is just "clownfish" behavior.
How is the color and breathing with this fish? Is the "sick" fish getting harassed by the other clown? Or another tank inhabitant? They will establish their sexes, and my guess is that the "sick" clown is the smaller of the two, and will end up being the male.
Try target feeding the fish with a syringe that you can get from a store that sells bird supplies.


no problems with color, no marks. I have not observed any one picking on him, his fins are intact. I wouldn't worry so much if he was eating. I have not seen him eat in 5 days now, previously an agressive eater. I am a nurse so I have a syringe for target feeding, it swims to the food but either does not eat it or sucks it up and spits it out repeatedly. I will continue to try and get it to eat, I don't know what else to do.