Is my clown fish hurting my anenome?


I have three rose anenomes on one side of my 125. I have 2 maroon clowns that spend most of their time swimming around them. I also have a greenish long tenticle anenome (new to my aquarium) at the other end of my tank. It took a couple of months but the clown fish found it. I noticed that the tips of this anemone looked at if they had been chewed on. Today I saw my clown fish with a tenticle in its mouth. What is it doing? I don't believe that it is trying to hurt it, or is it?


Hmmm..clownfish milking an anemone. I've acutally seen this at my lfs a year ago where a clown would look like it was actually suckling on it. I never noticed any harm from the clown, but did not get to witness it for very long. Does it look like there is actutal damage to the tip of the clown? Can you tell if the clown is leaveing a hicky or teeth marks?


It does look like it leaves white marks. I will keep a close eye one it. This anenome came from a friends tank and I was not planning on keeping it in my 125. When I first got it, it had one tenticle that was twisted on the end. One day the twist was gone and several other tenticles looked as if they had been pruned. It's as if something had come along and snipped the ends.:eek: