Is my fire shrimp dead ? :(


Last night my fireshrimp was in a small spot between LR and sand. It seemed kind of odd because it was a little out in the open, so I tapped on the glass and he didn't move.. This morning he was still there. I checked back a few minutes later and he was gone. I didn't see him the rest of the morning, until now. He is towards the front of the tank on his side.. very pale red (almost pink). He also looks very small right now compared to how big he is..his legs are kind of moving around, but I can't tell if its him or the current.
He molted before about two weeks ago, but I didn't see him so idk if he is just molting or not?
It's not just his shell because it's all one piece and you can see his white spots in the shell.. It looks to solid to be a shell anyhow.


Well-Known Member
It's probably a molt. If you can't see his heart beeting in the shell, it's definately a molt. You should pull it out with a net or touch it and if he doesn't move - it's either a molt or he's dead. Good luck!