is my girlfriend crazy??


My girlfriend is in cairns australlia right now. They were snorkelling in the great barrier reef and the dive master told them that a new species of triggerfish has been found. She didnt have any scientific names (she only pretends to know anything about fish) but is this true?? Also she has seen signs along the beaches warning divers of titan triggers. haha i just thought i would share
Balistidae ,
Do you think it could possibly be a Lunula Trigger, Rhinecanthus lunula. My LFS said they could get me one, but their cost was $450. Can your girlfriend get me one of those beware of titan trigger signs. I'd gladly pay for it!


Active Member
Do you think it could possibly be a Lunula Trigger
Search "halfmoon picasso trigger". Good looking fish....


New Member
Most likely a Crescent Trigger (Rhinecanthus lunula). When she gets back ask here if this is what it looked like. Edit: no links It could also be the Deep Water Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus abyssus). This is the newest species in the family. Highly doubtful though they live at depts greater then 150 feet. Any way here is a link for what it looks like. [url=]
If it's neither of those two and you have a picture and a name if you don't mind posting it I would love to see it.