is my Haitian Anemone sick?


I bought two Pink tipped Haitian Anemones from here and they're goreous! I came home from work today and saw that the Anemone that was very vibrant yesterday has withered and is lying flat on the sand, and there seems to be this orangy yellowish stuff across it. I thought it was the foot but its not. Is it dying and if so how do I save it?


Active Member
could you give us some more info about the tank... lighting, water parameters, other livestock in the tank. every lil bit helps us help you.


its a 55 gallon tank.
2 Clowns
2 Yellow tail Damsels
1 Blue reef Damsel
1 Firefish Goby
1 Mandarin Goby
10 Blue Hermit Crabs
1 Horseshoe Crab
1 Chocolate Chip Starfish
1 Pencil Sea Urchin
1 Blue Xenia Coral
2 Pink Tipped Haitian Anemone
I did all the tests and they didnt come out so well so I put in something to somewhat fix the ammonia and I did a 5 gallon water change to bring down the Nitrates which is what I was advised to do every 2-3 days if I want to give them a chance of surviving. I had just started this tank but half of what is in the tank is from my old tank, I set this tank up this past Saturday. Do you think this will help my Anemones and the Coral? I really dont want to lose them and I will do anything to help them get better. Do you think the advise given to me is wise and is there anything you suggest I do?