is my ich gone????


i have one hippo tang that had a slight case of ich but haven't seen any signs of the ich in over a week. is the ich gone? when can I add more fish? currently using cleaner shrimp, uv sterilizer, and garlic. 55 gal tank (tang is only fish in tank)


Staff member
No, its not gone......or at least you can not say with any certainty. You need to wait at least a month....and you should be setting up a QT in the meantime for new additions or you may find yourself in the same situation again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by benguck
i have one hippo tang that had a slight case of ich but haven't seen any signs of the ich in over a week. is the ich gone? when can I add more fish? currently using cleaner shrimp, uv sterilizer, and garlic. 55 gal tank (tang is only fish in tank)
Ich will often disappear (part of the cycle) and come back shortly thereafter. Monitor the animal closely.
So you know, Hippos really require 6 feet of swimming space. A small one can survive in a 55 for a brief period.