is my leather umbrella dead?


And how do I tell if he is? He has not "opened" up his appendages in probably a week or so. He's done this before but usually during that period he would at least have some of his "things" out. Can I smell him to be sure?


how is your water quality and do you have any other inhabitants that might be provoking it? My toadstool will close up when touched or with a decline in water quality. I have two cleaner shrimp that run all over my tank disturbing my corals. That may be something to think about.


mine has receded for a few weeks once. My water was fine though. NOt sure why they do this for long perods of time sometimes. Most of the time only a few days. I would not worry about a week yet. just keep an eye on the flesh and the stock for any signs of decay. It should be fine though


okay according to NATURAL REEF AQUARIUMS by John Tullock they will do this for a week or more as they slough off a layer of skin. Thanks for the help.