Is my LR still alive?


New Member
Hi, so I bought the tank (75G) with about 65lbs of LR. The rocks were placed in buckets but with very little water in them. By the time I moved the tank, equipment and hooked-up the RO/DI, it had been almost 10 days. The rocks were dried out but I put them in the tank anyways and filled it with the RO/DI water. There was a little bit of original sand and maybe 3 gallons of water that stayed in the tank while moving it.
My question is whether my once live rock is now dead from sitting out too long? Can I add 20lbs of live sand to kick start the process? Thanks...


Active Member
did you put the rock in just fresh water with no salt? if you did then yeah its probably dead.
Is that rock white? if it is then its dead. But i wouldnt worry too much about it, you can buy rock that is still alive and the color that it will have will spread to the white rock and it will no longer be white...