Is my Ocellaris Clown actually FEEDING my BTA???


So I started to notice that my clown was not eating the food (Mysis Shrimp) he was catching. But actually swimming back to the top of the rock, and sticking it into my Bubble-tip Anemone. Is he actually feeding the Anemone, or does he think he is storing it for himself for later? I gotta say ... its just about the coolest thing going on in my tank for the moment. wow.

tangs rule

Active Member
Yes he is feeding it...
Ahhhh the joy of a symbiotic relationship. Cool aint it!
I can't wait to get my Ocel clowns back into their normal home with a fresh BTA bought back in Jan. (and a bunch of other corals /verts).....Tank has been fallow for 3+ weeks and only 2 more to go, then the maited pair Ocel clowns, tangs, blenny can be back "home"
I can't wait to watch the same thing! ! !

tangs rule

Active Member
Drop a dime sized piece of raw shrimp in there away from the bta - I bet the clown will take it right to the more feeding the bta with grabbers! ! ! The clown will know when/how hungry the anemone is too, and he can kinda clue you in on when the bta needs feeding.....Mine did this years ago in a different system.


Yup, he's feeding it! It's so cool when they do this. I throw in big chunks of krill (because my anemones are huge) and my female will drag it across a 6ft tank to bring it back to the anemone, and she always seems to know which of the three is hungry. My male can't be bothered with feeding the anemone, but then again, he's always on "daddy duty" caring for eggs, these guys spawn like two horny teenage kids left home alone!