Is My Only Option......



The front and viewable side of my display tank have green algae on it, as does some if not all of my base rock. The algae does not come off with a mag float and only seems to come off with some good scubbing.
I have 1 decent amount of snails in the tank, but they don't ever seem to clean the whole glass, so the water appears to have a slight green tinge. If I scrub and area clean the water looks clear so I know it is only the glass.
My lights are 260 watts PC (130 Acintic and 130 10K) the bulbs are only about 2-3 months old.
All the levels in the tank are good:
Trates 5
Trites 0
Amonia 0
Sal 1.024
Cal 400-450
PH 8.3
Using only RO water
Fuge is has Mud base and Calerpa 3 types.
Is the only way to get the algae off the glass to do a complete scrub down with some elbow grease?
My wife keeps saying it looks so much nicer clean...LOL
Ive got algae somewhat like that, it is in patches of dots. I cant even scrub it off. It is pretty noticable in alot of the pictures I take too. I cant seem to find anything to get it off, so Im just trying to not let it multiply. I think it is a type of coraline algae b/c I cant srub the back of my tank, and the back had the same algae im disicribing about the front, and it eventually turned into coraline. (ugly green coraline)


Active Member
Try using an old credit card to scrape it off. Or, much better, buy a Kent Pro-scraper. This will get that off with no problem. Still takes more elbow grease than the magfloat, but much easier than using anything else.


take a flat edge razor blade to it and it will come right off with a little scrubbing, i get the same thing and have to use the razor blade.


Active Member
I have this too and I belive it is coraline. I have had it for about a year, but something happened recently and my coraline took off. Actually, I should say my coraline took off on my glass, not my rocks. The green coraline is basic green w/ some lime color to it. It is beginning to plate, and I am assuming that means coraline!


Active Member
Had it too, in tiny patches and in the couple scratches on the front of the tank. I used elbow grease with an old credit card, but it got old and annoying very fast---Then a light bulb moment happened! I redirected my powerheads some and after the last scrape, 9 months or so ago, I have not seen it since. If your PHs are directed more towards the front of the glass (like mine were) that could be the problem (at least with the front glass), try redirecting if so. HTH some. :D


Active Member
I usually have to scrape my front glass about once a week with a kent pro scraper. It takes all the green funk off that the mag float cant touch, and yes it makes a huge diffrence, looks like a new tank afterwards.


yes there is green coralline but it doesn't take a razor blade to get it off!


Active Member
Razor. Try cleaning the glass w/ the mag everyday or every other day.
Only takes a min.