Is my Purple Tip White sebae anemone healthy?


Hi! i was wondering if my sebae is healthy? for the past 2 days it was doing fine and it was double it's size....this is the first time i actually seen it that way. The tentacles are shrunk way to much, All the water condition are at the optimum standard and i just change the water recently. Please! anybody can help me!?


Active Member
It looks bleached and possibly dyed. What lighting do you have it under? Yellow is not a natural color for anemones (from what i've been told). Anemones should have a tan color to them, bleached anemones are usually white sometimes opaque in color. They are usually sold this way because to most people this white coloration is better looking.
Please post what lighting you have your anemone under. Other than the lack of proper color it LOOKS healthy.


Hi Thanks for the reply. im using acitinic 03 blue lighting ?? .....the yellow color possibly cause by my camera flash. does temprature causes it to shrinks and expand? im living in a tropical rainforest region of the world (South east asia). The temprature varies from 25celcius to 31celcius. i'll keep an eye on it for this few days and will post any latest pic should it continue to detriorate....
Thanks again mate!


Active Member
what lighting is it under? Do you have T5, VHO, or Halides?
If not your amenone might be starving for photosynthisis. I would try feeding it silversides or krill and see what happens.


It needs to have atleast 3 wts of light per gallon of water to survive through photosynthesis. How long have you had the anemone? they usually go thought expansion cycles the first couple of months. also I cant really see the mouth on that picture but if the mouth is opened more than 1 inch then you have signs of a problem. keep water parameters prestine, tempeture shouldn't fluctuate more than 5 degrees on a regular basis.
Also feed it some silverside or frozen shimp once a week


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
what lighting is it under? Do you have T5, VHO, or Halides?
If not your amenone might be starving for photosynthisis. I would try feeding it silversides or krill and see what happens.
Hi, i believe i am using a T12 - NO?? i am not so sure about this. I have to check with my local Fishstore. Do i need a VHO? and i am using only blue lighting
At the moment i am putting it on the 10G tank before i transfer it to my 50G tank


Originally Posted by Condyman
It needs to have atleast 3 wts of light per gallon of water to survive through photosynthesis. How long have you had the anemone? they usually go thought expansion cycles the first couple of months. also I cant really see the mouth on that picture but if the mouth is opened more than 1 inch then you have signs of a problem. keep water parameters prestine, tempeture shouldn't fluctuate more than 5 degrees on a regular basis.
Also feed it some silverside or frozen shimp once a week
Hi Condyman, I had it for 2 months now. The mouth is covered by the food, What u are seeing in the picture is live prawn meat slices thinly (Its pretty hard to get some good supplies of silversides and frozen shrimp at the fishstore. I can go buy fresh seafood in the market where i live). Is this a problem?. The water condition are close to perfect except for the temprature fluxuation.


Alright, it's important for you to have a full spectrum light fixture, with some blue (actinic) and regular light bulb. if you are going to put the anemone and any coral in your 50g tank you are going to need atleast 150w of lights. (the bulbs have the wattage written on the end caps). Also keep in mind that alot of corals need even more light such as VHO's at approx 10w per gallon.
Most Anemones are hardy and with 3w per gallon will survive.
in either case you can go to the fresh fish market and get yourself some small shrimp or fish that you can keep frozen at home. Slice some goodies every week and feed it. (this is only supplemental) if you have the enough lighting on your tank you will see the anemone turn a tan color. this mean the micro algae in its body is growing and the anemone is healthy (primary source of food).
good luck accross the world!


Originally Posted by Condyman
Alright, it's important for you to have a full spectrum light fixture, with some blue (actinic) and regular light bulb. if you are going to put the anemone and any coral in your 50g tank you are going to need atleast 150w of lights. (the bulbs have the wattage written on the end caps). Also keep in mind that alot of corals need even more light such as VHO's at approx 10w per gallon.
Most Anemones are hardy and with 3w per gallon will survive.
in either case you can go to the fresh fish market and get yourself some small shrimp or fish that you can keep frozen at home. Slice some goodies every week and feed it. (this is only supplemental) if you have the enough lighting on your tank you will see the anemone turn a tan color. this mean the micro algae in its body is growing and the anemone is healthy (primary source of food).
good luck accross the world!
Condyman, Thanks alot for the help it really clears out few questions i had. Boy! this site is great! :)


Originally Posted by Condyman
It needs to have atleast 3 wts of light per gallon of water to survive through photosynthesis. How long have you had the anemone? they usually go thought expansion cycles the first couple of months. also I cant really see the mouth on that picture but if the mouth is opened more than 1 inch then you have signs of a problem. keep water parameters prestine, tempeture shouldn't fluctuate more than 5 degrees on a regular basis.
Also feed it some silverside or frozen shimp once a week
Watts per gallon is completely useless...what matters is PAR


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Watts per gallon is completely useless...what matters is PAR
I agree with TangWhispr, though he could have been a bit more informative, lol.
Anemones need the high intensity lighting such as Metal Halides or T-5s.
Wattage is a bad way to judge lighting needs. 75 watts of NO lighting is not going to come close to being the same as 75 watts of Halide.
Find out exactly what kind of lighting you have. If it is NO lighting you will need to upgrade the lighting.
Your anemone does not look healthy to me. Anemones get the bulk of their food through a symbiotic relationship with algae that lives in them. A "White" anemone has expelled it's algae; a sign of stress. If kept in pristine conditions they can come back. Otherwise they will slowly starve, even if you are supplementing it's feeding.
Now, the picture could be off. Your anemone may not be bleeched. It looks like it to me though.


okay, my lighting is 2 x T8 power-glo 1800k/15 watts (Blue/White). My anemone is in a 10G tank until i transfer it to the 50+G tank. i have a feeling i may have to upgrade my lighting, what u think? I took a better picture please have a look. it was alot "Whiter" when i first purchase it.

Now its color has tanned abit...IMO...:). what lighting would you recommend getting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Condyman
you don't need metal halides for an anemone.
But you do need a good T5 fixture or else use MH. Yes that anemone is EXTREMELY bleached which is a bad sign. LIke journey said it can regain the zooantha but it needs to be under the proper lighting in order to do so. Although the anemone may live for a few months, when under the proper conditions anemones will outlive most fish and then some - so success should be measure in years not months.
Hope this helps. I see your moving them to your 50+, which is a smart thing b/c in a 10 gallon the anemone will outgrown (when healthy) that tank extremely fast. Mine has tripled in size the past few months.


Active Member
General rule of thumb... there is no such thing as a healthy white anemone.
Also and this may have already been said but IMO its worth emphasizing. Tank depth is as important as lighting type and wattage. 100watts of CF or PC lighting may work for a bta in a tank that was 6" deep and total of 10gals. However the same volume of water in a tank with different dimensions EG 4"x4" and 30" deep an anemone couldnt survive with 300watts of CF or PC lighting. Just as an example...


okay.........i tot condyman said no need MH? but i'll get a good T5 as you recommend. Thanks. Now im sure my Sebae is bleached......well keeping my fingers crossed :). should i let the lights on for 24hrs????????
Hey also i found out theres 2 not matured Sebae suddenly appeared today.....maybe it must been hiding on one of the LR.....Yay!!!!! i bet my LFS would be pretty P**sed to know that hehehhehe