Is my Reef Tank Set up right?


I have a 29 gallon Reef Tank with three corals in it (Xenia, Finger Leather and Anemone). I have 4 fish, Purple Tang 2 1/2 inches, Pigmy Angelfish, Clarkii Clown and a Percula Clown.
The equipment is a Red Sea Protien Skimmer, Whisper Dual Filter with Bio-Foam Sponge, a Heater, Retro Lighting 2-65 watts PC lights one blue and one white and two powerheads a 550 penguin powerhead and a 900 Alcu-clear powerhead.
Any of your information would be great.


everything sounds great, but i don't think that tang will work out too good in a 29 gal, they require 100 gal tanks hehe sorry to dissapoint you...i did the same thing before when i starrted out...i had a 2 inche sailfin tang in my 30 gal tank...he lasted 8 months...and then he started to grow alittle more and more...then he just died...they need alot of room...goodluck...your tank sounds really nice so far... :D


I agree with mommyfish. Everything seems cool except maybe the Tang and Angelfish. Check out <a href="http://www.***********.com" target="_blank">www.***********.com</a> for detailed info on fish compatability, aqaria size and difficulty. I always check that site when doing research(but never buy from them). I like to research my fish and buy them local. Do you have any biological filtration?


Active Member
There isnt any "right" way to set up a reef. Do what works for you. From alot of reading and some advice of fellow reefers come up with your own system. Your set up looks good to me, except that purple tang. Tangs are swimmers and NEED alot of room to move around. It may seem as though its doing fine now, but when it starts to get bigger it will get stressed out and may come down with some sort of stress related illness. Saltwater fish do not grow to size of tank, and tis fish needs atleast 150 to 200 gal to be healthy and live a long life. Just my .02 and happy reefing!


Just check the requirements and the pygmy is ok in a 30 gallon but a purple tang needs atleast 100 gallons and can grow to 10 inches.


Yes, I have 55 lbs of live rock and 25 lbs of Live Sand, but I think I need to get the bigger shells and rocks out of the sand and make is more sandier.
I also have a mantis shrimp that I need to get rid of. My Sand sifting starfish was chopped up and died. I think it was the mantis shrimp, how else. And I have recently from 2 crabs dead too. That little devil.


I will be keeping the Purple Tang in my 29 Gallon until I can get a 55 Gallon Tank built in my wall in my Eletric Train room.


your setup is good.
Except, like others said the tank is small for the the tang.
And 55 G is still small for the tang.