Is my set up good enough?!?


New Member
I've had my 55-gallon all glass tank for almost a year now and I'm wondering if it is of quality...I have a Fluval canister filter as my only source of filtration. I have limited live rock and a few hard corals. I have a 50/50 lighting system that came with the purchase of the aquarium. I plan on going bigger as I become more a more establist aquarist, but I'm not sure if what I have now is sufficient. I have a tomato clown, blue damsel, humblebug, long spine urchin, and a blood red shrimp. All of my other fish died on me :( I am not using sand, but would like to and was wondering how easy the transition is. I am only 16 and therefor have limited funds, and was also wondering if anyone had any suggestions for easy to care for fishes, corals, inverts, etc. I'm glad I found this site and am hoping that there is someone willing to give me some advice to better by set up. And one more thing...are internet purchases of fishes safe?? Please let me know the site if they are :) Thank you very much, sorry so long...


SAND SAND SAND SAND a good 4" would be great in the aquarium. I also have a 55 with a Fluval canister filter and 50/50 lights. I would recommend you to get a skimmer, I personally have a seaclone which I will not recommend you to get since it is pretty worthless(personal opinion). I have heard that Berlin skimmers are pretty good. About fish, sorry to heard, I have also lost my share(in the beginning) but with experience things change for the better. One thing that you must have is a testing Kit, in order to test for Amonia, Nitrates and Nitrites. You are going to learn A LOT from this forum, it is awesome, you just have to ask if you have questions.


New Member
Thanks for the advice elcid, I just looked on this site and the Berlin models were from $80 to almost $250..YIKES!!! Is it worth looking around? or even the money spent? BTW I do have test kits for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and PH and test weekly or every other that frequent enough?


Welcome to the board. In an established aquarium I only test for Calcium,alk, and nitrates. I watch my corals for signs of anything else, and can usually tell when my Phosphates are climing. I also have a 55 with crushed coral, 2 whisper filters, 2 MJ 1200 powerheads, and a won pro heater + 380 watts of VHO. I am currently setting up a 90 gallon tank.
You can use sand but I would strongly urge you to read as much as possible before you go putting in a Deep Sand Bed or DSB. In a 55 you will only need about 1 1/2 inches maybe 2 to be effective, if the grain size is small enough. You mention a transistion, from what to sand? are you using crushed coral right now or a Undergravel filter? or is it just a bare bottom tank? Do you do water changes? Just trying to figure why you are losing fish.
I believe you would benifit from a skimmer on your 55 like maybe a prizim, as one suggestion.
I have not bought livestock over the internet.
Midland, Michigan


Welcome elcid, I am one of the few who do not believe in a DSB. I have a 2 in base of LS because I use the ECOSYSTEM filter, they only recommend a 1-2 in SB. Now for you...just read and learn, we all have our own working beliefs. The key is to match what works for you. GOOD LUCK and welcome to the marine world!


New Member
I am using crushed coral and I do not have an underground filter. I do make water changes monthly. If there are any disadvantages to sand what are they? Or is it just the fact that water changes will suck up the sand and have to continuously buy more sand to replace that which was lost? I am not losing fish any more, my damsels and tomato clown are fine and my urchin and crab seem good. I had gone through a period where I lost a few fish in a few short days which has caused me to buy the less expensive fish lol, but I would still enjoy something as nice as a Naso or Regal tang.


New Member
Thank you dindi,
I was wondering what you are talking about when you say you have the black sand? What is that? Where would I get it? What are its advantages and disadvantages? I've never seen or heard about it before.


You will not need to vaccum sand beds, this is actually a very dangerous thing to do in a Deep sand bed. You do not want to break down into the anerobic layers of a DSB, this could wipe out your entire tank.
Just touching the surface of your question on disadvantages of a sand bed are: If the sandbed is not functioning properly the nutrients can spill back into your system causing algea blooms. This is commonly caused by overfeeding. All the critters that are benificial to your sand bed that live in it are eaten by sand sifting animals like sand stars, and can lead to a poorly maintained sandbed, or populations of you fauna might suddenly drop on their own, the lack of which can cause problems, many might dissagree, but it can happen. Anerobic areas may contain hydrogen sulfide which is leathal to the aquarium, if a fish, rock or anything breaks down into the anerobic area you could wind up wipping out your whole tank and starting over. What really irks me are so many people telling a new person that they need a DSB and they know that they don't know enough about it. So do a search and read read read. Read the thread "my tank is crashing/recycling" by Azonic and decide for yourself.
The above answer does not do your question justice. It is not in depth, non technical, they are only some examples of what could go wrong. I am not an expert on DSB.
Sand can be a exellent bio filter but you have to know how to maintain it, and most of the time it will just maintain itself. But like knowing the denitrification cycle you should also know the basics of sand beds. Like I said my answer dosn't even scrach the surface. Truth known I just do not want to get into a war.


New Member
Well unless I see any other reasons for DSB then I think Ill stay with my crushed coral. Thank you very much Thomas.


I do not think that it is fair to leave you with just that post, send me an email and I will give you some links to look at about DSB's. I am currently setting up a 90 with 1 1/2 to 2 inches of sand.


Lisa ??? B.? The e mail address you gave me came back undeliverable, want to try again.