Is my shrimp ok?


I have had this cleaner shrimp for about 4 months now and i just bought a yellow tang last week, so i put a couple algae sheets in there for the tang, and my shrimp went to town on them. now the past 3 days my shrimp has been sitting in the rocks and i haven't seem him come out at all, he used to be climbing all over the rocks and now he just sits in the same spot, and he is still alive because i can see him and he's moving around, but slowly.... is there something wrong? any ideas? could he just be molting maybe? i'm clueless


Active Member
Molting is usually an overnight process, and hes ready to go again by the time the lights come on. The fish may have just taken terrotory and made it clear the cleaner that he is not welcomed. So to prevent being harrassed, he hides. Nothing wrong, just fishy politics.