Is My Skimmer Any Good?

steven's un

its a sealife systems pro 75 motorized skimmer....................i got it with my it any good? its a pro 75 sealife systems wet/dry................PLEASE TELL ME EVEN IF IT HURTS


Active Member
Never seen one in operation or heard of anyone using it.
Does it pull greenish/brown smelly crap out of the tankwater ?
If so - then it's good and it works.
If not - then it's either not adjusted properly - or it's a junk design.

steven's un

I dont know.........haven't seen it in action.........have filled the filter w/ water i saw it then......................all it did was bubble...........i thought it would form a funnel...............i really dont see how it could work it not adjusted right?
Generally, all skimmer works by the macrocmolecules in the water attaching itself to the micro bubbles. So if you have a good spin in the skimmer and bubbles, it shouldn't be a problem. However, some works better then others, but all skimmers should work (to an extent atleast). So, start the bad boy up and wait a few days to see if you have yuck come up, trust me, you will know when you see it!