is my starfish eating or dying?


I just got a starfish yesterday and he seemed happy all day yesterday and first thing this morning. Then all of a sudden he curled his legs back from the glass and a bubble poofed out from the center of his underside. It looks like it is his stomach. Could that be it or is there something wrong. I am not sure what kind of star he is, but he looks like a red general, jut in green. All of my levels are fine (1.02 SG, 8.2 pH, 0 on everything else) I acclimated him for over 2 hours first floating the bag then adding a cup of water from my tank every 30 min. So eating or dying? :confused: :confused:


nevermind, I got my answer this morning. The arms are disintegrating.
I think there must be something up with my tank. My fish seem fine, my fighting conch and nas snails and crabs are fine. If I put anything in the climbs the glass (turbo snails, star etc) they don't live more than 1 week. Anyone have any guesses?


Any chance you ever used a copper based medication in your tank??? EVER???


Yeah, it would. But I was thinking that if you used it years ago, and then really cleaned your tank afterwards, that maybe, just maybe the only residual would be imbedded in the silicone... Blah, blah, blah... But that don't seem the case.


I tried a blue linkia once, and it got the ol' inside out stomach syndrome. It looks like a nasty way to go. If it isn't gone yet, do it a favor and put it in the freezer....It probably wasn't acclimated enough.


How did you aclimate your starfish? They are very sensitive & require an aclimation period of several hours. Even if you do it right, did your LFS aclimate it correctly? There are some great threads here by a starfish expert, Ophiura. The good Doctor also has an incredible website with information regarding starfish.


Active Member
I have a sandsifting starfish that I acclamated for over 2 hrs. So far so good.....he seems healthy. I've had him for 2 weeks in a 10 gallon reef tank which just recently finished cycleing.


I acclimated for 2.5 hours. 15 minutes floating in the bag then 1 cup water from my tank every half hour for the 2.5. Initially he seemed fine (3-4 hours in the tank) and then went kaput over night.


It was probably acclimated poorly at your lfs. I always acclimate with the drip method. I believe its the better of the two.


Drip is the way to go. I'm not sure but most of the time I think it takes more than just overnight for aclimation shock to kill them. It was probably done incorrectly before you got it. Also dripping for 4-6 hours, or more, is not unheard of depending on species .


thanks for all the posts and advice. I will go with a drip acclimatization next time and give it a longer period of time. Too bad I had to learn the hard way