I had the same exact issue with a 46 gallon bow. Water started coming out of the front plastic part. Just started out with a little salt which I could wipe off, but then water started sitting in there. Tried all kinds of different glue to try to seam it, but the saltwater kept coming through. I did eventually give up and just upgrade which was a great decision, but one thing I did not try was draining half the water out into a water change trash bin and then glueing then without so much pressure pushing down on it.
I have a theory on some of the smaller tanks though that they are just not made for saltwater. The glue is thinner and the glass is thinner and I think creatures in the sand just eventually eat through the glue and salt water creeps in. Just a theory though. I can totally tell the difference now in my 65 gallon with built in overflow that is is just a much tougher tank.