Is my tank nearing the end of cycle


My tank has been up for 3 weeks. I used TLC additive and have 6 damsels and 2 hermit crabs. I use a wet/dry filter and have keep up on all my tests. My numbers were rising a few days ago with my ammonia up around 1. Today my tests read ph 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrites .5, and nitrates 10. I don't want to rush things, but I am getting excited to buy my first REAL fish.
Wants my nitrites drop, am I cycled? How long will that take from now? Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Once the nitrites and ammonia read 0 you can add a clean up crew. Wait a few weeks to see how they do. Check your levels again and if all is good you can add a fish. Sounds like you're getting there, but DON'T rush it. :D


Active Member
Looks like your coming along nicely...
You will want your NitrItes to drop to 0 though before you add any fish..
And then keep testing for another day or two to be "sure" they are staying at 0...
Hard to say "How long" because tanks vary bacteria level varies and amount of "feeding" varies...
But the Nitrobacter bacteria that convert Nitrate to NitrAte do multiply rather quickly once started...

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like everything is progressing well...what type of tests do you use? Once everything is down to zero...consider a small percentage water change then monitor the water for a few more days. After that consider a few snails/crabs.....then possibly a new fish. But what about the damsels? Do you plan to keep them? They will likely be a problem for any new addition.:thinking:


I have two hermit crabs. I do not have any live rock or sand, so what kind of cleanup crew do I need other than the 2 crabs I have?
I kind of like the damsels and would like to at least keep a couple. A few fish I am interested in is a powder brown tang, a clown (not sure which type), a scooter blenny, or maybe a yellow watchman goby.


I am using the saltwater master test kit with 2 part ammonia and nitrate testers. It is a liquid kit.



Originally posted by hocky98
I have two hermit crabs. I do not have any live rock or sand, so what kind of cleanup crew do I need other than the 2 crabs I have?

I'm wondering the same thing. What kind of cleanup crew should be used? I have crushed coral.


Active Member
Im not an expert but dosnt most fish require live rock to hide in and stuff so shouldnt he wait till he gets live rock before adding any fish? Also like I said im no expert just a ?.